Tamara & Mitch said their wedding vows in front of the Story Bridge in Brisbane. Weather was perfect, sunny blue sky and a little warm for a September wedding.
They had their location shoot at the Brisbane Power House at Newfarm Park. It's really popular there for weddings and this one was no exception. We got lots of variety as there are several spots popular for photos including the men's toilets there hehehe. Although Tamara had a few problems eariler in the day, you wouldn't know by the photos here that anything was wrong, because at the location shoot, all the bridal party had fun. The sky turned black so we headed off for the reception.
We had only just arrived at the reception (about 5 mins) when it poured rain, so we were very fortunate that the weather held off long enough for us to get all the shoot in at the Power House. All in all despite the rain, we had a wonderful day's shoot, so here are the results of that.
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