Sunday, November 26, 2006

1st May 2005 Wedding of Alana & John.

Alana saw my website & made a comment about my site, saying how amazing my work was when asking me for prices on wedding photography ... Then after her wedding was photographed she wrote to me and added this comment about her photos ...

"What AMAZING work !!!!, I'm absolutely thrilled with my wedding photos. I have no hesitation in recommending you to my friends getting married soon.
Alana, 20th June 2005"

She wrote that to me after I photographed her wedding on the 1st of May 2005 ... and these are the images I captured on that day ...

She had her uncle from Tasmania booked to photograph the wedding (he is also a wedding Photographer), but sadly he became sick one month before and couldn't photograph the wedding for her, hence she frantically searched the web for an alternative photographer and the rest they say ... is history.

Alana & Jon, I think you both are AMAZING !!!.
You both look fantastic & happy together and were easy to work with. Thank you !!! ... for allowing me the pleasure of photographing you both on your special day. It certainly was a privilege ... I enjoyed it just as much as you both did.

BTW ... we have photographed her sister Cassandra's wedding on the 20th May 2006 as a direct result of these photos we took for Alana & Jon. I'll show you Cassandra & Cameron's photos shortly.

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